I would like to know the cheapest and most convenient way to stay in Boston?

Q. I'm visiting Boston for Memorial Day weekend but find the hotels in Boston to be quite expensive. Is there a convenient way to stay in a motel outside of Boston and be able to get into the city?
How about getting back to the motel after I stay out late?
Alternately, if you think about paying for transportation into Boston would it be cheaper to stay in one of the more expensive hotels actually in Boston?

*Any traveling tips or suggestions about where to go or how to get around Boston would also be great!

A. try hotwire.com. I stayed in a four star hotel for $116.00 per night, which isn't bad.

Motels outside the city are still going to be a MINIMUM of $70/night, plus it will cost you to get into the city, especially if it is not within walking distance the to the T. Then you'll have to pay for a cab to get to the T, etc.

Once you are in Boston, the T is the easiest way to get anywhere.

has any one stayed at the millennium bostonian hotel in boston?
Q. we are staying at the milllrnnium hotel in boston and wantted to know how it is.

A. Millennium Bostonian is a great hotel. Right downtown and close to everything. I've never stayed there because I live in the area, but I walk past it all the time. It's one of the better hotels in that part of the city.

Are there any hotels in Boston that let 18 year olds make reservations?
Q. i need to be in Boston for this upcoming weekend but almost every single hotel I've called requires you to be 21 years old and the ones that are 18+ are incredibly expensive. are there any affordable hotels in Boston (or nearby cities/towns) that allow 18 year olds make reservations?

A. Try a youth hostel. http://bostonhostel.org/

Problem is that younguns who've come before you have trashed rooms, had underage parties etc... so hotels don't want the headache. Also, you would need a credit card in your name, not a debit card, a credit card.

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