Friday, March 29, 2013

Hubby and I are going to NYC in early June for a getaway. What clothes to pack for evenings?

Q. We'll be going to a lot of restaurants, bars and other nightlife in the gramercy park are and at the Gramercy Park Hotel. We're foodies and this is mostly a romantic food tour we're giving ourselves on our anniversary. Any pointers for styles and specific outfits are especially appreciated. I haven't been to NYC in 8 years! Yikes, I'm long overdue!

A. Early June can still be a little cool in NYC ... especially at night. You should make sure to bring some jeans, t-shirts a couple of items you can layer like sweaters or a light-weight jacket (you can always take them off during the day), comfortable sneakers and/or flip flops if you plan to do a lot of walking.

For night life - bring dresses and cardigans or dress pants or dressy jeans and nice tops. A couple of pairs of strappy sandals.

What to wear in NYC in evenings in early June?
Q. Please help me pack for my anniversary trip to NYC in early June. What clothes should I take for evenings. We will be going out to a lot of bars and restaurants in Chelsea and the Gramercy Park Hotel at night, but nothing formal. What clothes should I pack-lots of little black dresses, or what? What about my husband?

We're in our early thirties, fyi. Thank you!

A. Unless you going to really nice places, you can dress however you like.

June weather is ussualy warm, but evenings can very comfortable. For a guy jeans/slacks and a collered shirt are perfect.

why does this actress look so much less attractive in this photo?
Q. I normally think the women in this photo is attractive but there's something about this I find very off putting to look at (even for a paparazzi photo) is it just me or there something wrong with how it's shot?

A. Poor lighting.

On camera flash (built-in or external) is the worst lighting when shooting people other than as "event" photography.

Here makeup looks fine

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